Array Utils
The arrayUtils
module provides useful functions for operating with arrays.
To install, you can import the module from OmniUtils
import { arrayUtils } from '@connormerk/omniutils'
Takes a nested array and returns a single-level array by recursively flattening any nested arrays.
- array: A nested array to flatten
arrayUtils.groupBy(array, property)
Groups an array of objects by a specified property, returning an object where keys are the unique values of that property and values are arrays of objects with the corresponding property value.
- array: An array of objects.
- property: A string representing the name of the property to group by.
Takes an array as an argument and returns a new array with its elements randomly shuffled.
- array: The array to be shuffled.
arrayUtils.intersection(array1, array2)
Finds the intersection of two arrays, returning a new array containing elements that are present in both arrays.
- array1: An array of elements.
- array2: An array of elements.
arrayUtils.difference(array1, array2)
Finds the symmetric difference of two arrays, returning a new array containing elements that are present in one array but not the other.
- array1: An array of elements.
- array2: An array of elements.
arrayUtils.union(array1, array2)
Finds the union of two arrays, returning a new array containing all unique elements from both arrays.
- array1: An array of elements.
- array2: An array of elements.
Removes duplicate elements from an array, returning a new array containing only unique elements.
- array: An array of elements.