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Data Validation

The Data Validation module provides useful functions for validating different types of data.


To install, you can import the module from OmniUtils

import { dataValidation } from '@connormerk/omniutils'



Validates an email address

  • email (string): The email address to validate.

Return value: A boolean indicating whether the email address is valid.


Validates a US phone number

  • phoneNumber (string): The phone number to validate. This function is specifically designed for US phone numbers in the format of 10 digits.

Return value: A boolean indicating whether the phone number is valid. For other regions, you might need to adjust the regular expression to match the specific format.


Validates a URL

  • url (string): The URL to validate.

Return value: A boolean indicating whether the URL is valid. This regular expression is quite comprehensive and covers a wide range of URL formats, but it’s still possible that some edge cases might not be handled correctly.


Validates a US postal code

  • postalCode (string): The postal code to validate. This function is specifically designed for US postal codes in the format of 5 digits or 9 digits with a hyphen.

Return value: A boolean indicating whether the postal code is valid. For other regions, you might need to adjust the regular expression to match the specific format.

dataValidation.validatePassword(password, minLength, requireUppercase, requireLowercase, requireNumber, requireSpecialChar)

Validates a password based on specified criteria

  • password (string): The password to validate.
  • minLength (number, optional): The minimum required length of the password. Defaults to 8.
  • requireUppercase (boolean, optional): Whether the password must contain at least one uppercase letter. Defaults to true.
  • requireLowercase (boolean, optional): Whether the password must contain at least one lowercase letter. Defaults to true.
  • requireNumber (boolean, optional): Whether the password must contain at least one number. Defaults to true.
  • requireSpecialChar (boolean, optional): Whether the password must contain at least one special character. Defaults to true.

Return value: A boolean indicating whether the password meets the specified criteria.